on civilization
civilization is the product of humanity organizing information into greater and greater purposes. experience in forming civilizations which are destroyed over and over is the evolutionary process for organizing the species toward a civilization which can reach global scale. learning and sharing are traits that improved survival reproduction and success for the species. organizing the species - collecting and sharing information information about behavior is discerned from interactions with everything outside the person. territorial goals, market goals and profit or conquest are not goals which improved the species surviveability. when civilization evolves to a global scale the species may leap to a new ethic if not the population will collapse and the information available is set back to an earlier point of reference.civilization informs behavior. empathy may be a genetic sensory trait and may transform the goals of civilization or information may become of more social value than goods.as a body of information increases the more influence it has in the direction of civilization's the ethics for justice and equality are new to civilization as it reaches the global scale of significant resource depletion. time for a change
the failure of leadership
when i was a child the philosophical debate over humanity’s ability to end war, centered on the acceptance of the violent ,“nature “, of individual people.
now at the end of six decades, my own experience informs me that, [the violence], of individual people is not the source of global unrest or civil distress. it is the violence initiated by large social institutions; such as governments and corporations.
the leaders of institutions make the decisions concerning everything, so it is apparent that they repeatedly make, destructive choices that engage conflict and injury, rather than cooperation or nurturing. it is only the failure of leadership that keeps humanity poised on the brink of destruction.
ordinarily, people are non-violent and caring, but organizations are able to be cruel and inhumane.
men can end the patriarchy
in 1982 i met a woman who agreed to teach me feminism. from the beginning of my studies i felt threatened. masculinity was a set of social standards i conformed to in public. masculinity was difficult to unravel. it is all mixed up with controlling things or people and dominating women and children. i conformed to many or most of its practices. i was raised a man. i liked maleness and its benefits. for over thirty years i have still been trying to be a feminist man.
now i am the X man
. . . or, ex-man, as it may be. only that being born a man I received multiple privileges men hold by virtue of birth gender alone. now in the third millennium, human culture may be able to forgo the patriarchy and its inherent inequalities. men can end the patriarchy without changing their sexual outlook, preference, or practice. men can let the women in their lives lead. it is completely personal. treat women with equity, defer to women. LISTEN to women. men who do these things may embrace equity and justice.
I am an ex-man.
no longer a man
rejecting maleness
relinquishing privilege in as many ways as I’m able.
to be womanly, lesser than, weaker, poorer, paid less . …..oh, oh….!
women still do not get paid as much as men in the same job get!
child care workers are considered employed if they care for other people’s children yet mothers, or fathers who care for their own children are not.
subordination to women’s values by men is not a measure of masculinity. men and women may be able to extract sexuality from the disastrous effects of marketing completely. the new male is a caregiver of children. as men relinquish leadership to women and rediscover responsibility for life and living as a nurturer , sexuality will not be measured by men’s domination over, [all of nature], other men in competition for women. men will be valued for their capacity to provide care, sustain life and repair nature by directing their great strength and intelligence to creative solutions to any new challenge to social well being. when men replace the hegemony of competition with one of cooperation, society’s definition of masculinity may transform.
a philosophy for the third millennium
Culture need be re-examined in the post industrial societies in a manner that considers a global perspective. This is a new and old perception when one considers the theory of relativity for the physical universe applied to the social environment.
While every culture defined its known limits as, “ all things”, a global assumption affected the premise for every social philosophy.
None the less… it appears that human culture is in need of a new philosophical treatise, on the potential for human civilization.
When industrialization became global, communications technology via the space age invites the opportunity for a social philosophy to address the modern global society.
spiritualist or realist. ?
Spiritualist philosophies for human culture have been perverted to political purpose by religious organization. The purpose for an organization will dictate its programs, policies, and actions to the practice of a philosophy for the purpose of control and influence on the social environment.
A realist philosophy begins possibly with Plato, however my understanding is that even obscure ancient realist contributed to the library of collective human experience and observations for the formulation of a philosophical assessment of human life.
… and current archeological finds complete an anthropology tracking all human dna to a single source in Africa so many millions of years ago that humanity experienced continental drift during the course of their expansion around the globe..
Where as culture enabling people to record their progress in creating civilization is only 12 thousand to 19 thousand years old.
We point to Persia as the place origin of western civilization yet all culture did not grow from a single source. Humanities collective experience began culture independently almost simultaneously in every region on earth inhabited by people.
the purpose of a philosophy, in my mind, is to further the comfort, security, health and well being for all people, by the presentation of an idea, or new information.
4 universal states of being;
the individual
the family group
the civil group
multiple civil groups
On human organization:
Once an organization is created, it will act in its own perceived self-interest.
Competition between organizations enable inhumane acts.
The growth of civilization through time has encompassed the globe. The natural premise is that the growth of civilization benefits life for all four states of being. The growth of civilization is not limited by any constraint. Unlimited also is the capacity for humanity to change the behavior of civil groups. Where the stated purpose of a civil group is to provide comfort and aid to life where needed the acts will benefit all the individuals and groups equally. Civil culture may promote the idea that a universal social benefit is achievable with designed co-operation.
Competition or Maternal thinking in civil group organization:
Trade and commerce do not require competition. The idea that profit should result from civil transactions is the design basis for one civil group to dominate another civil group. Domination is perceived as a benefit from competing for one group.
The idea of sharing and giving goods will benefit both groups. The ideas that design the most benefits for the most groups will be the ideas that more individuals will hold. While global civil organizations compete for economic profit they will become fewer and fewer. The benefits from profit will be less and less and finally there will be no, “other”, group to dominate.
. . . or when overgrowth causes the big civil groups to collapse, the small groups and individuals will have more influence over what ideas will design culture. Most survivors should predictably be women, children and some non-violent maternal thinking men.
The ideas that promote the most well-being may spread from the individual to the civil group:
Children First:
Every design in culture must benefit children foremost
The human right of equity:
Every person shares the benefits of culture, (comfort, security…)
Co-exist with other life forms:
The practice of designing co-operative ventures by civil groups will inform designs that deliver the most benefit to nature as well .
passion or reason…..
when old men ignite passion in the young
it has been to win at being best. poets write songs to stir the desire, and pump the breast to bold engagement, to battle or prevail in sport, but mostly to keep boys at the service of old men’s fear of being old, when these patriarchs as old bulls do ,distract the boys from their own possessions and send them into glorious battle for conquest and greed as they too age.
so end the patriarchy and free passionate youth from such reasoned goals….. free from the ordered standing, and control over work. free to experience the day as gift and night as reprieve…… end reason that binds the future to the disease of purpose. so as birds also do we fly to desire on the wings of grace and receive there the joys of eternity